

Focus And Finish

My new mantra is Focus and Finish. I frequently say these three words out loud to remind myself to focus on getting the job done. As Peter Drucker said, “Time is the scarcest resource, and unless it’s managed nothing else can be managed.” No matter who you are, each day has 24 hours, 1440 minutes. Every day we have the choice to use it or lose it, as time cannot be saved.

Improve Our World With Random Acts Of Kindness

What if kindness were a muscle? How could you strengthen your kindness muscle? Muscles develop through repetitive exercise that is focused and disciplined.

How To Reduce The Stress Of Loneliness—9 Tips

What can you do to reduce the stress of loneliness and increase your quality of life even when physically separated from loved ones?

Eight Ways To Increase Your Networking IQ

Have you ever felt stressed at the thought of attending networking events, conferences and even holiday parties? Many people feel insecure and uncomfortable before events—almost like stage fright. Understanding networking fundamentals can ensure you become a better networker.

How To Step Out Of Negativity: 7 Tips – Forbes

You become what you think about. Throughout history, philosophers, historians, and even poets have written about the power of the mind. Your thoughts become your reality.

How To Stop Negative Thoughts From Sabotaging Your Success

Once you learn to recognize the negative soundtrack from your Tortoise Brain, you can begin the taming process. You can consciously tap into the large part of your “Primate” brain, the neo-cortex that can feel joy, gratitude and has become skillful in intellectual pursuits and reaching goals.

‘No’ Is A Complete Sentence: 11 Tips

Learning how to say “No” and when to say “No” is essential to living your life on purpose. When you say “Yes” to one thing, you’re saying “No” to something else. Time is a limited commodity and each of us has 24 hours per day. Once you invest that time, it is irretrievable.

How You Can Give Your Career A Fresh Start

Are you just surviving at work—caught up in the day-to-day doldrums of your job?  Life is too short to tolerate any sense of dread on Sunday evening as you think about going to work the next day.  If you aren’t thriving at work and your passion is missing, perhaps this is the year for you to jump-start your work life.  Since working until age 70 is no longer the exception, the sooner you take charge of your career, the better.

Give A Fresh Start To Your Personal Life

Life is 5% what happens to you and 95% what you do with that. Although life doesn’t come with a re-set button, you can give your personal life a fresh start anytime you choose. Why not declare that “This year is going to be a fresh start”? I believe that what we do every day is important because we are exchanging a day of our life for it. If you aren’t happy with the life you are living, then make a commitment today to get on track to a joyful, productive life.

7 Tips To Gain The Confidence You Need To Succeed

Are you holding yourself back because of low confidence? Do you spend a lot of time “in your head” worrying, regretting, putting yourself down, and wishing things were different? Do you stop yourself from taking advantage of opportunities and reaching the success of which you know you are capable? Without confidence, you will never venture out of your comfort zone.


Setting Priorities and Managing Time: Core Leadership Skills

Public health practitioners are working in a time of major change characterized by significant levels of uncertainty about the future.1,2 In contrast to the present reality, public health careers in the past have served as a source of stability and predictability. Now, many public health workers who sought that stability and predictability may be unprepared for the adaptation needed to survive and even thrive in times of change. As a result, these professionals may have great difficulty in deciding which tasks are of highest priority and then spending time on those high priority activities.
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Delegation: A Core Leadership Skill

Currently, as discussions about the “Great Re-set” and “the Great Resignation” are occurring in most workplaces throughout the world, many public health team members are wondering what is next for them. Gen Xers, Millennials, and Gen Zers are seeking a workplace where they can reconnect, thrive, and grow. Employees want to find meaning, belonging, personal growth, and career development at work. 
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Conducting Successful Virtual Meetings While Managing COVID Fatigue

Life has changed in so many ways since the COVID-19 pandemic began. As public health has become front-page news, the saga of the public health workforce has also emerged. In the midst of overt threats toward public health leaders and cascading loss of trust in the public health system, frontline public health workers have continued to tirelessly serve the public under circumstances that were unimaginable 12 months ago.
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Building a Coaching Culture—The Roles of Coaches, Mentors, and Sponsors

Growth and development as a leader can best be achieved by a disciplined approach involving formal development experiences, self-assessment, and a commitment to taking time for reflection and renewal. Although some of this work can be done alone, support from a coach, a mentor, and a sponsor can enhance the process substantially. 
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A Systematic Approach to Job Transitions—Finding Your Way and Landing in Your Best Place

The ability to perform work that is aligned with your mission and values in an organization that encourages you to be your best self can reignite your passion, compassion, humor, and style. For public health leaders, managing one’s career and finding that “right fit” can easily take second place in your list of day-to-day priorities. 
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MGMA (Medical Group Management Association)

Feeling like an impostor? 7 tips to silence your inner critic

Have you ever feared that you might be “found out” or exposed as a “fraud” in an area of work or activity or performance? Experiencing the feeling of being an impostor is quite common. Research indicates that at least 70% of people admit to experiencing the impostor syndrome during their lives.
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Assess the Health Your Medical Practice

Have you ever considered that your medical practice has similarities to your patients? Both medical practices and humans are systems made up of many subsystems — and each subsystem contributes to the overall health of the entity. 
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Good Friends, Greater Health

In the hustle and bustle of adult life, it’s easy to overlook the significance of friendships. Yet, these relationships play a crucial role in your overall well-being. Unlike the friendships of your youth, adult friendships often require more effort to maintain but offer profound rewards. They provide emotional support, ward off depression and anxiety and contribute to a sense of belonging and purpose. 
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The Wisdom of Years

In our fast-paced, technology-driven world, the voices of older adults often go unheard. Yet, listening to them is not just a matter of respect; it is a crucial aspect of building a compassionate and informed society.
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Redirecting Relationships from Disasters to Masters

My favorite psychologist, John Gottman, PhD, has studied relationships throughout his career. In his “Love Lab,” the world’s first couple’s laboratory which opened in 1986 at the University of Washington, he has studied over 3,000 couples. Because of this, he can predict within 15 minutes of an argument which marriages will end in divorce within the next six years. He puts the couples into one of two categories, either “Masters” or “Disasters,” and his predictions have had a 91 percent success rate.
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The Top 5 Regrets

Isn’t it interesting that thinking about our mortality can be beneficial for leading a healthy, constructive life? It provides perspective and can help us focus on how precious, precarious and short our lives are.   
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Be the Author of Your Own Story

You may have heard the statement “everyone has a book in them.” The Wall Street Journal found that 80% of the population plans to write one someday. 
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Executive Presence: The X Factor

Following is an excerpt from Dr. Murphy’s new 3rd edition Maximizing Performance Management: Leading Your Team to Success used at Ivy League universities and corporate venues.
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Core Leadership Skills: Setting Priorities and Managing Time

Health care practitioners are navigating a time of significant change and uncertainty. Many feel burned out and exhausted after surviving the pandemic and are seeking help to set priorities and manage time more effectively.
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We’re Where We’re Supposed to Be

It was fall and my life was filled with chaos and fatigue. I was involved in building a medical center with constant demands from the corporate office, colleagues, employees and physicians.  I had a busy social life, busy community service life and was desperate to find some peace. I felt like a 24/7 gas station filling everyone else’s empty tank with my energy while my own tank was empty.
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Embracing The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is the belief that “like attracts like.” The principle states that if you think positive thoughts, you will have positive results; if you think negative thoughts, you will have negative results. You attract what you think about. An everyday example of the Law of Attraction is when you start thinking about someone and suddenly she calls you. 
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10 Tips for Achieving Your 2022 Goals

Last January, many of us were relieved, enthusiastic, and ready to embrace new goals. We could see the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel and we could not wait to emerge triumphant. 
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The Value of Spreading Kindness

Imagine your positive words and positive actions toward others as poker chips. Having a big stack of chips in your account can make you feel like a winner. 
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7 Tips to Increase Your Positivity

You become what you think about. Throughout history, philosophers, historians and even poets have written about the power of the mind. Your thoughts become your reality.
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Reducing the Stress of Loneliness

How can there be a crisis of loneliness when there are more than 7 billion people in the world?  Doesn’t that seem counter-intuitive?  
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Increase Your Networking IQ

Have you ever felt stressed at the thought of attending networking events, conferences and even holiday parties? Understanding networking fundamentals can help ease the discomfort and make you become a better networker.
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NETIQUETTE: 10 Tips for Internet Etiquette

Last June, ten members of Harvard’s incoming freshman class who had just received their acceptance letters to Harvard received another letter from Harvard. It was a letter rescinding their acceptance because of their posts on Facebook. How tragic and embarrassing for these students and their families!
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How to Tame Your Lizard Brain

Did you know that a lizard may be controlling you and trying to prevent your success? Until you learn to recognize and tame this reptilian part of your brain, it will be difficult to achieve all the goals you desire.
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Are You an Impostor?

Have you ever feared that you might be “found out”? “Unmasked”? Exposed as a “fraud” in an area of work, activity or performance? You may be surprised to know that feeling like an impostor is quite common. Many successful and famous people confess to feeling this way sometimes – in fact, it’s prevalent among high achievers. 
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“No” Is a Complete Sentence

Learning how to say “No” and when to say “No” is essential to living your life with purpose. When you say “YES” to one thing, you’re saying “NO” to something else. Time is a limited commodity and each of us has 24 hours per day. Once you invest that time, it is irretrievable. 
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Forgiveness: A Holiday Gift You Can Give Yourself

This holiday season why not give yourself a precious gift and forgive those who have hurt you?  When you forgive someone, you pardon the mistake or offense. Forgiveness is not a feeling, it is an act of the will – a decision to let go of negative emotions like anger, resentment and thoughts of revenge. 
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Confidence Is Your Key to Success

Are you holding yourself back because of low confidence? Do you spend a lot of time “in your head” worrying, regretting, putting yourself down, and wishing things were different? Do you stop yourself from taking advantage of opportunities and reaching the success of which you know you are capable? Without confidence, you will never venture out of your comfort zone.
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Give a Fresh Start to Your Personal Life

Although life doesn’t come with a re-set button, you can give your personal life a fresh start anytime you choose. Why not declare that “2016 is going to be a fresh start”? I believe that what we do every day is important because we are exchanging a day of our life for it. 
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How to Be “Worry-Smart”

The word “worry” comes from the Greek word for a divided mind, and the holiday season epitomizes that divided mind. We think we deserve a relaxed and joyous holiday season, yet so much about November and December seems to produce worry… pressure to buy the perfect gifts… 
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Decluttering: 101

Are you a “stuff-aholic”? Many people collect stuff. Some even pay for storage units to house their extra stuff. Answer this honestly… when you walk into your home, is there a sense of overwhelm and frustration as you see piles of clutter from papers, magazines, clothes, gadgets and dishes?
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Achieving Your 2015 Resolutions

Will you be one of the few who keep your New Year’s resolutions this year? In America, 100 million people make resolutions, while only 10% keep them. Most abandon them after the first week. Have you noticed that gyms are jammed the first few weeks of January and empty by…
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Relationship Tips for the Holidays

If your thoughts about the holiday season elicit emotions other than pure joy, you are not alone. Stress increases during the holidays and relationships can suffer. Pack your Holiday Toolkit with some new tools this year. Have realistic expectations and talk about them. The discrepancy between what you expect and…
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Confidence Is Your Key to Success

Are you holding yourself back because of low confidence? Do you spend a lot of time “in your head” worrying, regretting, putting yourself down, and wishing things were different? Do you stop yourself from taking advantage of opportunities and reaching the success of which you know you are capable? 
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Give a Fresh Start to Your Personal Life

“Life is 5 % what happens to you and 95% what you do with that.” Although life doesn’t come with a re-set button, you can give your personal life a fresh start anytime you choose. Why not declare that “2016 is going to be a fresh start”?
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Contact: Dr. Susan Murphy